HCC partner Stephen P. Cooney recently chaired an important continuing education program sponsored by the Defense Counsel of Rhode Island. Titled “Appellate Practice in the R.I. Supreme Court – Update, Pointers, Refresher,” this timely seminar reviewed key issues during the Court’s 2020 term.

The speakers also focused on the continuing challenges of the pandemic in shaping legal practice and offered insights into the approaches of the two new jurists who recently assumed the Supreme Court bench.

The seminar provided an invaluable exercise for both trial litigants and appellate practitioners alike. In preparing for the program, Stephen reviewed several significant decisions affecting the insurance industry, including the following.

  • Frazier v. Liberty Mutual, 229 A.3d 56 (R.I. 2020): The Court overruled a prior holding regarding R.I.G.L. § 27-7-2 that enabled a direct action to be brought against the insurer.
  • Nelson v. Allstate Insurance Co., 228 A.3d 983 (R.I. 2020): The exclusion provisions in an insurance policy were interpreted for the insurer’s benefit.
  • Banki v. Fine, 224 A.3d 88 (R.I. 2020): This case involved subject-matter jurisdiction plus judicial review of an agency appeal from the Department of Health.
  • Colpitts v. W.B. Mason, 227 A.3d 996 (R.I. 2020): The Court established standards for an employer-ordered drug test.
  • State v. Mulcahey, 219 A.3d 735 (R.I. 2019): In this case of first impression, the requirements for authenticating text messages were set.

A summary of these cases can be found here. For more information about these decisions or any related matter, please do not hesitate to contact Stephen Cooney.